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Code of ethics
- I strive to always provide the very best advice at all times.
- I offer information of a general nature to help empower clients to achieve emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
- I recommend you seek competent medical assistance from a health care professional if you have a physical or psychological illness or disorder.
- Seeking the professional assistance of a financial consultant, bank or broker is always recommended for matters relating to finances.
- Providing contact details of a Financial Consultant, Psychologist or other Professional to a client is given merely as a goodwill gesture and no commissions or payments are received by me for doing so.
- I will provide guidance and insights as part of a Tarot reading or Energy healing session but you have the free will to choose whether you will follow this guidance or not. You are therefore responsible for your actions following your tarot reading or energy healing session.
- To protect the privacy of others I will not read on behalf of a third party. Where possible I will rephrase the question to focus on what is directly related to you.
- Client records that are kept will be stored and disposed of in a confidential manner.
- Minors (16 years and under) must be accompanied for treatment by a parent or guardian.
- Tarot cards are neither good or bad, but a tool to be used to encourage, empower and identify options for future behaviours and decisions.
- I will conduct my professional practice with reasonable skill and learning and will not attempt to offer work or advice beyond my level of competence or training.
- I have obtained and will maintain Public Liability Insurance.
Free Exclusive Intention Candle Terms & Conditions