2020 Vision Board Workshop

This is going to be something you will love.    An insightful look back at 2019 using the ‘Wheel of Intention’  to help identify the key areas where you need to focus, change or stay strong in 2020.    Then the fun begins where we each create a vision board using pictures, words and a bit of art.    Don’t worry if you can use scissors you’ll be fine.

All materials are provided and to help the evening along there is also a glass of bubbles included 

Vision Board workshopFB_EvB


Tickets available via     Eventbrite

Or if  you prefer, bank transfer:

BSB:    124 054

Acc:     22267356

Ref:     your name


Whits fur yeh, won’t go by yeh

A Scottish saying to remind us that Fate is always at work!


Full Moon time is often a time when emotions and moods run high.

I was reminded this morning of an old Scottish saying ‘whits fur yeh won’t go by yeh.

which roughly translates to …. What is meant for you by fate, won’t pass you by.                Basically, if it’s part of your fate in life, it will happen.

If you’re feeling impatient, disappointed when things don’t go your way today, your negative emotions may be heighted.    However, NOW is the perfect time to shine a torch on things previously veiled.

What I mean by that is …. the full moon ‘illuminates’ the way…… therefore ask yourself:   What do I need to see about myself or a situation.

Today if you don’t get what you want, things are cancelled or don’t pan out as you expect look within and see what was previously hidden.   It may be your own old beliefs and behaviours or situation that now illuminated and looking with wise eyes you can scrutinise and see clearly what may not have been previously been visible.

The Scottish saying reminds us that ultimately FATE is always at work.

Trust is key here, trust that what is happening or NOT happening is all part of the bigger picture.     It’s wise to know and accept that we get what we need in life, not necessarily what we want.   If things don’t go your way today …. remember if it’s part of fate’s plan for you, …. it will happen.     But only the universe knows when you’ll be ready to receive it.

Loneliness! Its a world wide problem

If you're feeling disconnected you are far from being alone.

A recent article  in Wellbeing magazine stated

we  –  without ever quite intending to  –  have become the first humans to ever dismantle our tribes.       As a result, we have been left alone on a savanna we do not understand, puzzled by our own sadness.

It was an eye opening article on the scope of loneliness in the world.   A situation that is growing.

If I can do my bit to help not only myself but others feel more connected, part of a tribe and a little less lonely, then that’s a good thing.

Come join me at my upcoming circle on the 16th October and feel a little more connected.


Women’s Inner Wisdom Circle

October 16th

open mind open heart

Looking for connection, going through transition or seeking the opportunity to share and be listened to? Then please join me at my monthly women’s circle. Following the global ‘Gather the Women’ circle principles, we set circle agreement, intentions and offer a place of thoughtful speaking and deep listening.

What you will receive:
> A relaxed evening with like minded women
> You can speak from the heart and let go of all worries and anxiety.
> A nurturing space where you can find clarity and support.
> Experience the joy as you discover the benefits of connecting without judgement.
> Unique topic each month

A maximum of 12 per circle.

To secure your spot, payment can be made via bank transfer as per below.   Cost is $20 per circle and includes light supper.    

BSB:     124 054

Acc:       22267356

Ref:       Your name

Please bring a journal & pen.     Looking forward to seeing you on the 16th.

Calling a THING a thing!

If you truly want to heal, become empowered to call a thing a thing.

Become aware of those subtle comments that undermine you and call it out.   Call that thing a thing!

Understanding Cure vs Healing

Understanding the subtle difference between cure and healing can make all the difference.  When we do some soul searching we all have the power to heal ourselves.

Are you seeing patterns in your life, feel stuck and looking for direction?     Make a booking and together we will access your own wisdom within to help you move from chaos to joy.




Visit of a lifetime, Callanish Standing Stones

Summer Solstice

stones mid summer

A long held dream come true, …….   A visit to the Callanish Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis,  Scotland.

What made my visit to the stones all the more special was the fact it was the Summer Solstice.   A coincidence….. certainly not.    It was a birthday treat to myself to visit the site on the most magical of days.

Its hard to describe the feeling of being around the stones, the energy felt when you touch, hug and caress them.     Visually you become enthralled as you ‘see’ people, shapes, symbols and images with every change in light that casts across the many stones.

As I touched the stones, paused and let the energy and emotions sweep over me, the sense of connection was palpable.    I couldn’t possibly image the number of kindred spirits who’d taken this same journey over the last 5000 year to this sacred place, but I could certainly feel their presence.

Everyone’s journey to the stones is different, no one more important, sacred or special than the other.

For me as I stool alone, in amongst the many other visitors that summer solstice, my realisation was that not only is it okay to be my authentic self, but life is so much more fulfilling and rewarding when I am.

Are you speaking your truth?

Communicate can inspire & move whole nations but what’s your motivation? When ego steps in are you being self-righteous, judgemental or even manipulative? Do you scream, shout, talk over others to be heard?

Alternatively, have you lost your voice, fearful of saying something wrong, being judged, only ever believing the voice of others?   Choosing to say nothing and hold your voice can fester internally breeding animosity, anger and rage.       At worst we ignore the most powerful form of communication: – our intuition and the ability to transcend ordinary limitations of the body.

5.throat chakra