Dear friends and clients, After many wonderful years, I’m closing my tarot and healing sessions, as well as social media posts. It’s been an amazing journey of connection and insights. Please know that all is well; I’ve simply decided to take time to ponder ‘what’s next.’ I’ll still be facilitating my Women’s Groups, and I’m grateful for the support you’ve shown me. Thank you for being part of this experience. Wishing you abundant love and everlasting joy.
Welcome to a realm where uniqueness is not just embraced but celebrated. I am your guide, navigating the journey of life with intuitive wisdom and a genuine passion for sharing the magic that exists in every moment. I am authentic and communicate with empathy and enthusiasm, creating an open space for self-development.
Join me in acknowledging the beauty of life and the magic that unfolds when we are open to seeing it. Welcome to a space of authenticity, wisdom, and joy, where every moment is an opportunity for enchantment and transformation.
Welcome to Tarot Soul Healing
If you are looking for information on Women’s Circle: Please check out the Workhop/Events tab
If you are looking for information on What I do: Please check out the Welcome & About me tab
Below are my new opening hours.
Readings can be done in person, or remotely using social media platforms.
At the recent dark moon, I took a period of solitude, went within and did some inner work. Isn’t that what dark moon is all about?
I created a ritual and did a meditation to tap into what was really going on. It’s so powerful when we stop, listen and accept the messages we receive.
When we sit in silence, there is clarity of thought. The truth versus the stories we tell ourselves. Our monkey mind when left to run wild escalates, exagerates and exasperates!
Whatever is happening in your life right now, ask yourself:
Is this true?
What is triggering me?
There are many ways we can help ourselves; relinquish patterns and behaviours, break free from the feelings of being trapped.
Meditate, journal and go within. Let go of ego and listen to your soul, that is where the truth and joy resides.
If you missed out, shout out. If I get sufficient interest Im more than happy to arrange a second workshop.
Your past does not define your future. Create the life you desire, focussing on what really matters. Imagine kicking off 2021 with powerful goals, desired achievements and a positive frame of mind, to go after all you wish to create.
Don’t know what to buy friends and loved ones this Christmas?
A gift voucher is the ideal solution. The gift of choice, clarity & healing. Perfect
When your friends or loved ones need it most, they can choose between a 50min Tarot Reading or Energy Healing. Each voucher is valid for 6 months and valued at $90.
If you’d like to arrange a voucher, please email me at or contact using Messenger. Payment can be arranged using Card or Bank Transfer. I can personalise each voucher with ‘To & From’ and send electronically.
Look at this. In all my years of reading I’ve not seen a spread indicating SO much change.
Let me explain:
🟢 The World: The last Major Card representing completion, time to step out and put all you’ve learnt to good use. What happens when you complete one thing…? Time to start another.
🟢 2 x Aces: Aces represent new beginnings, opportunity, potential & inspiration.
Also discussed were potential challenges restricting their ability to change/move forward. These included taking on too many projects keeping their energy scattered. Also, their logical mind over analysing things and the limiting stories they tell themselves.
🌟🌟 This client is so ready for change and now knowing what lies ahead, challenges to avoid, she is more than happy to step forward, initiate and embrace all the change the Universe wants her to experience.🌟🌟 – Shared with clients permission.
If you’d like some clarity and direction why not book a reading.
Intrigued by the Tarot? Why not join me at my upcoming workshop on Sunday 18th October mid-day to 4pm
This perfect short course which will be a fun and informative introduction into TAROT, an ancient method of divination. In every situation the tarot can help you look deeper than the surface, uncovering emotions & motivations, whilst tapping into your own intuition and wisdom. We’ll explore the cards and how imagery and numerology all come together to help build a story in a reading. There will be lots of interaction and by the end of the course you’ll be able to give a reading.
The basics of each of the Major and Minor Arcana cards
Why not come along to my upcoming workshop on Saturday 5th September: Intuitive You. Are you curious, looking for inspiration, skills & tips on all things intuition, then this workshop is for you. And here is why ……
🙏 Using your intuition is EMPOWERING
When you have better trust in yourself, you have faith in your ability to accomplish your goals and intentions. You feel safe and secure realising you’re inner knowing is ever present guiding you in all aspects of your life.
🙏 Using your intuition provides CLARITY
Despite the busyness of life, when you stop, listen and trust your intuition you’re provided with insight into the best direction to move in. It helps to sift through all of the information you are receiving consciously and unconsciously in order to make the best decision.
🙏 Using your intuition leads to a HAPPIER LIFE
Listening to your intuition, is listening to your soul. Your soul guides you and helps you create a happier and more peaceful life that is more focused on your Self. Listening to yourself and your surroundings allows you to live more fully with joy and happiness.
I’d love to see you for what will be a fun and insightful afternoon.
For more information please follow the link: WORKSHOP